Reaching the unreachable

The Challenge

Through analysis of email marketing campaigns, Proxy revealed a challenge: almost 30% of the mailable contacts were not opening the emails. In fact, over a period of 3 years, 30% and below had not opened one email. As spam filters become more sophisticated, this is a common challenge faced by many organizations.

Our Solution

Email marketing is an effective tool, but it is not the only solution. Proxy collaborated with the client to define a success goal: engaging this targeted group with the client’s high-value content. To that end, Proxy created a retargeting campaign to the targeted group that served well-designed pop-up ads that, when clicked, took the visitor to a trackable landing page with our targeted content.

The Result

Of this group that had not engaged with the client’s content for over 3 years, 100% of the targeted group were reached through the retargeting campaign and 12.80% had high engagement with content on custom landing pages reviving these leads.

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